Darren Jones
Screenwriter / Head Writer / Author

Need a writer? You've found one!
From wily rabbits to teenage witches to terrifying chimeras. My writing ranges from pre-school (Molly and Mack, Peter Rabbit, Fireman Sam, 123 Number Squad) to children's (Dennis and Gnasher, The Pinky and Perky Show, Frankenstein's Cat), and older (Doctor Who, Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch, Trust me I'm a Genie).
From exploring the delights of a simple garden, to rescue adventures on the high seas, to escaping the deadliest planet in the galaxy. I write visual action and comedy with diverse, heroic characters. From people you might meet at the end of the street, to bizarre creatures at the edge of the universe.
As well as writing to commission, I'm also developing a range of projects including animated series, books, and a Young Adult drama series.
Key Skills:
Script Writing (Comedy, Drama, Action, Animation, Children's)
Head Writing
World Building
Story Development
Script Editing
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